10 Weeks, 10 Million Heartbeats

10 Weeks, 10 Million Heartbeats

There’s a prenatal education app we use with clients which has a live counter showing the number of heartbeats a preborn baby has had with each passing week. At 10 weeks that heartbeat counter starts at 10,787,551 beats, and goes up from there. So, in a nutshell, when a preborn baby is 10 weeks old – meaning 10 weeks from conception – her heart has already beat more than 10 MILLION times.

This truth helps me realize how much vitality the Lord has already poured into a preborn baby human being in the first 10 weeks of life. Even a single heartbeat is a miracle made possible only by God. That a tiny baby has had 10 million successful heartbeats by the time she’s only 10 weeks old? That’s an astounding piece of prenatal truth!

When a young mom and dad are facing a crisis pregnancy, they have big decisions to make. They cannot be expected to make those decisions in a sound manner without having important, truthful information to consider. Prenatal education is a critical part of the information they need, and we consider it privilege to be able to share prenatal truth with them. As we do so, we point them to the ultimate source of truth: that person is Jesus.

Thank you, Lord, for the 10 million heartbeats you give a preborn baby by the time she’s 10 weeks old. Thank you for the truth of your Word, which says in Psalm 139:13-14 that You formed our inward parts; You knitted us together in our mothers’ womb. We praise You, Lord, for we are fearfully and wonderfully made.