Kindness Unto Life

Kindness Unto Life

Awhile back, we served a client who was 17, had a 2-year-old, and was pregnant.

Our hearts went out to her as she talked through the details of her difficult situation. Then, she looked at us and said “I just cannot do this again!”

Our client advocate gently reviewed her options with her, including the option of adoption. Immediately, the young mom showed interest. She was very receptive to the idea and asked lots of great questions.

Our client advocate went on to share part of her own story with this young mom…. That she herself had made an adoption plan for her own child years ago. She also told the client about one of our volunteers who was adopted, and how that volunteer is grateful to her birth parents for choosing life and allowing her adoptive parents to raise her.

About a week later, the client let us know that she and her baby were doing fine, and that she was working on finding prenatal healthcare. She didn’t say whether she had decided on adoption or not, but it sounded like she had chosen LIFE for her little one.

When you and I think of pregnancy centers, and the careful conversations like these that happen with clients, we can be encouraged by Proverbs 12:25 which says, ““Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.’  Kind words reflect the character of God, who made each one of us. Our words, reflecting His kindness and spoken to the people around us in tough situations, can change hearts… for life.