Car Seat Connection

Car Seat Connection

The young man walked up to our receptionist’s window and introduced himself. He was as a driver for a local transportation service. He said, “I do a lot of driving for people in the city. Sometimes, I transport parents who have small children, but no car seats. I’ve been looking for places where I could refer those…

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Light and Life to All He Brings

Light and Life to All He Brings

The young mom arrived with her boyfriend and their two small children. She was pregnant, and life had been really hard for them lately. They lost nearly everything they owned in a fire, lived in their car for a time, and at the moment, they were living with a friend. The young mom said, “I don’t believe in abortion,…

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Life is Beautiful

Life is Beautiful

Our young mom client and her boyfriend stared quietly at the ultrasound screen. Their tiny baby was just 8 weeks old, and although abortion had crossed their minds, at that moment they were in awe of every move the baby made. With their permission, our nurse pointed out the steady rhythm of the baby’s heartbeat. The young…

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“Let the Little Children Come to Me…” – Matthew 19:14

“Let the Little Children Come to Me…” – Matthew 19:14

Jessie recently came in for parenting classes. She has four children, was feeling overwhelmed at home, and was longing for some assistance. Jessie is a believer but hasn't been involved in church for years. As a result, her children knew very little about Jesus. When Jessie came in for parenting classes, her oldest daughter…

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Align at Barnstormers Non-Profit Christmas Tree Lane

Align at Barnstormers Non-Profit Christmas Tree Lane

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of two local businesses – Align has two trees on display in the Lancaster Barnstormers Non-Profit Christmas Tree Lane! Whether you view our trees (and others) at this free event in person or online – you will have the opportunity to vote for your favorite trees.  Each vote costs $1 –…

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Drawing Power of Christ

Drawing Power of Christ

Drawing power. No one has it like the Father – drawing people to Himself through Jesus. It’s the power that drew the wise men to the stable, bent the Centurion’s knee, and rescued you and me. It’s the power that’s drawing Lauren and Ethan to our center week by week. Lauren’s parents wanted her to have…

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