“Let the Little Children Come to Me…” – Matthew 19:14

“Let the Little Children Come to Me…” – Matthew 19:14

Jessie recently came in for parenting classes. She has four children, was feeling overwhelmed at home, and was longing for some assistance.

Jessie is a believer but hasn’t been involved in church for years. As a result, her children knew very little about Jesus.

When Jessie came in for parenting classes, her oldest daughter was listening to the interactions between her and her client advocate. After only the second meeting, Jessie’s daughter became interested in the conversations about prayer and Jesus and began asking her mom how she could have a personal relationship with Jesus too!

It didn’t stop there though. All of Jessie’s children began to echo the desire to have a relationship with Jesus, and Jessie had the opportunity to lead all four of them to Christ!

Jessie is now doing a Bible study series with her client advocate and is excited about diving deeper into her relationship with Christ to model it for her children who have now said “yes” to Christ as well!

Praise the Lord for these young souls who have joined our family in Christ Jesus!