A Soothing Special Delivery
One of our clients had a miscarriage several months ago, and has been grieving the loss of her baby. One day when she was feeling down, she thought maybe some flowers on her kitchen counter might cheer her up. So, she decided to go to the grocery store and buy herself some. Before she left, however, her doorbell rang. It was a special delivery of flowers from some friends who were thinking about her that day! Our client was blown away, and rightfully so! She attributed that ‘coincidence’ to our loving heavenly Father.
Someone was willing – through flowers – to care for our client in her post-miscarriage grief. They were helping to bear the burden of her sadness. What could seem like a small thing made a huge difference in drawing our client closer to her Savior and Friend, Jesus.
Romans 12:15 clearly tells us to ‘rejoice with those who rejoice; weep with those who weep.’ When we do this sincerely and in a selfless way, it can be divinely uplifting to a soul filled with joy, or divinely soothing to the soul that is suffering. In either situation, “rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep” can point people to Jesus for life and refresh their faith in Him.
We have all been Created for Christ.