He Came To Our Rescue
I saw on my computer that I had an email from Linda, our sonographer. She had sent it to our entire Align staff. It was four short, urgent lines that read: “For those who may see this….We have an abortion-minded gal here. The ultrasound machine will not turn on. Please pray!” Our ultrasound machine had been turning on, booting up, and then shutting down—over and over again. We desperately wanted this client to be able to see her little one.
Responses from the team showed up almost immediately. People prayed, ”God, YOU are greater than the machine. You can speak to this woman’s heart directly, whether she is able to see the baby or not.”
About 15 minutes later, our sonographer said, “It’s ON! The machine is ON!!!” She said our director was meeting with the client in those moments before the scan. We kept praying. The update we were waiting for arrived a few hours later. Our nurse manager said, “Your prayers made a difference! Our machine worked! We introduced our client to her little one who was wiggling around, and she gave permission to hear the heartbeat. The client said that seeing her little one and hearing the heartbeat made all the difference, and she said that she couldn’t go through with an abortion. She has chosen to parent this child!” PRAISE JESUS!
THANK YOU so much, Lord, for these clients. Thank You for the power of prayer, for answering prayer, and for Your awesome gift of life! Thank you for coming to our rescue… again…in so many ways. We have all been created for You.