Hi Jesus!
The other day one of our young moms was shopping in our baby boutique with care cash she had earned by taking our parenting classes. Her toddler son was with her, and we had to smile because he wandered around the baby boutique room saying “Hi Jesus! Hi Jesus!” It was adorable!
We wondered what might have made him say that… but even his mom didn’t know. Her family doesn’t have a church background, and she couldn’t figure out how he even knew Jesus’s name. Regardless of how it came to be, we’d be thrilled if he was actually sensing the presence of Jesus with us!
It reminds me that the people we serve are not only the moms, dads, and babies – we also serve the children in these families. These are the big brothers and the big sisters of the baby in the womb. And many of them are barely a few years old themselves. God sees them, and He can use us to minister to their precious spirits.
In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” It’s neat to think about that verse in the context of a pregnancy center ministry. “Let them come to Me…” – an unintended pregnancy might introduce an older child to Jesus through Align. And “the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”… that makes me think of this little boy who says hello to Jesus – without a care as to what anyone else thinks – in a room full of baby supplies donated by people like you in our communities. It’s God’s genius goodness at work. We have all been created for Him.