Lost Sheep, Found Sheep

Lost Sheep, Found Sheep


One of the core values God has given us at Align is that we pursue intimacy and alignment with Him, because that intimacy with Him is foundational to our relationships, our discernment, the services we provide, and the fruitfulness of our ministry. It’s one reason our name is ALIGN Life Ministries. And we love equipping others to align their lives with God also.

For example – we recently served a young dad named Micah who has been struggling with drug addiction. We’ve prayed over him and his children, and he’s been making good progress. We’ve also been sharing specific Bible verses with him. There was one verse in particular that Micah remembered learning when he was a little boy. “I used to go to church when I was a little kid,” he said. “But I’ve gotten off track.”

Friends, when we feel like we’re “off track” – that might be a signal we need to realign ourselves with God… to “get back on track” somehow. One way to do that is to read the Bible to remind ourselves of what is right and real. That’s what our director did with Micah. She shared from Luke about the shepherd who lost a sheep- he goes after that lost sheep until he finds it. When he finds it, he lays it on his shoulders rejoicing – and takes the sheep home with Him.

Micah might have been expecting punishment or a reprimand. But what he realized instead from those verses is that God really loves him. God has been going after him. And – God will be filled with joy when Micah is on His shoulders again. For Micah – realignment in that moment was simply a willingness to be found, a willingness to be in close relationship with Jesus again. That’s the lovingkindness of our God.

Micah wanted to be found by Jesus that day. He rededicated His life to the One who has been pursuing him, and asked Him to be the leader of His life from this day forward. And Jesus says to us, “Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.”