Worthy of Notice
Does God see you in your suffering? Does He notice you when you come to Him in faith for help? These are questions you and I might think from time to time. They’re questions our clients might wrestle with, too, as they come to grips with an unintended pregnancy, difficult aspects of parenting, or an abortion they chose to have.
The Bible has beautiful answers to our questions.
In Luke 8, we read of a time when Jesus was walking with crowds around Him so intense that they almost crushed Him. A woman who had suffered a chronic flow of blood for twelve years and could not be healed by anyone, was in that crowd. She came up behind Jesus and touched the edge of His cloak, hoping to be healed. Immediately her bleeding stopped.
That in and of itself is a miracle. Ironically, Jesus asked, “Who touched me?” The Bible says “All denied it” – wow… Jesus stated, “Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me.” Here’s where the Bible offers these beautiful words: “Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at His feet.
“She could not go unnoticed.” Jesus noticed her. Because of who He was and because of her faith, there was no way he could NOT notice her. She reached to Him in faith. He healed her, and gave her His peace. In the same way, friends, He notices YOU, too.
Overarching all of this is that He is the One supremely worth noticing.
This Easter weekend, we can realign our hearts and minds with the truth of what He’s done for us. As He is high and lifted up on that cross, we are compelled to notice Him, to behold Him – shedding His blood for us…offering to restore the relationship with Almighty God that our sin had decisively severed. We need to behold and ponder His resurrection which proves His power and His sovereignty; and gives us bright hope for life no matter what our situation may be.
Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
We have ALL been created for Him.