Your 24/7 Calling
Most Christian leaders give the lion’s share of their time and energy to their primary ministry calling. This is understandable given the weightiness of leadership responsibilities. But is there an even more comprehensive call to fulfill?
Over the past 14 months, I’ve been convicted of God’s overarching calling on my life to make disciples. I could argue that I’m facilitating that through my leadership at our “gospel-sharing” ministry—and to an extent that’s true. But on a very personal level, we’re each called to make disciples.
Here’s what I’ve become aware of within myself as I’ve pondered these things with the Lord.
My Confessions
- I can tend to view my leadership calling as my main calling. So, at the end of a workday, I’m “off,” so to speak. After all, I’ve just given my heart and soul to that day’s advancement of the ministry.
- While I see the people around me after work—at stores, gas stations, and community events—I don’t always see them like Jesus did. Jesus saw people as sheep without a shepherd. He felt compassion for them and ministered to them.
- When I’m out and about, I’m either busy or burdened. I’m in a rush to finish my errands and get to the next thing on my list. The needy person behind me in line would not typically be on my list. If I’m not busy, I’m processing through an important issue in my life, and not sensing the importance of the person right in front of me.
5 Ways to Engage in Your 24/7 Calling
- Be loved. You know God loves you, but do you know it on a personal, experiential, and current level (Eph. 3:19)? Press into the Word and ask God to help you know Him and His love in a fresh, deep way.
- See people. Ask God to open your eyes to the people around you, and to see them like He does—like invaluable sheep, made in His image, who don’t yet know Him.
- Be loving. Talk with God about how He wants you to express love to the person in front of you—whether through an action, a smile, a word of encouragement, an offer of prayer, or a conversation about Jesus.
- Be bold. Even Paul prayed for boldness. The enemy covers us with a sheath of fear or awkwardness or rationalization for why we shouldn’t reach out to others. Pray for boldness to break through this barrier and step out!
- Shine. Jesus is the light of the world, and He says we are the light of the world. Light shines, and we can shine with the beauty of the love and truth of Jesus. Wherever you go, you can shine so that others see and encounter Jesus in you.
“You are the light of the world.
Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works
and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matt. 5:14a & 16, ESV
Leaders’ lives are full. Their ministry responsibilities spread beyond a typical workweek. But a leader who lives in the fullness of God’s love readily shines that love to others inside and outside of their ministry.