A Vast Field of Opportunity
Among the Lord’s countless amazing qualities is the fact that He is the supreme strategic thinker. It’s no accident that the pregnancy center world is filled with opportunities to share Jesus with people. You see, when a person realizes that they are now a parent and responsible for the life of a brand new, little human being, the awesomeness of that – it could be the joy of it all…or maybe the overwhelming weight of it all – or a combination of both – often drives these parents to look outside of themselves toward spiritual things.
For example, just recently a client who came in for a pregnancy test said, “Yeah – I’ve just been thinking a lot about God recently. I want to know more.” It’s a privilege for us to talk with clients about Jesus. Our prayer is that they would hear His voice and soften their hearts toward Him…like we’re taught by Hebrews 3:15: “Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your hearts…”
Now, that said, we also serve clients who definitely have had the gospel clearly presented to them and have not accepted it as true (that we know of). They are still an active part of our parenting education program and attend classes faithfully. We’re so grateful that they do, and we ask the Lord to keep them with us as along as needed – or to use anybody else – until the clients see that the gospel is true and personally applicable to them.
The people we serve – those who are not walking in sexual integrity; those who are brand new parents; those who have gone through the traumatic experience of abortion – they need the forgiveness and fresh hope offered by Jesus, as we all do. For a pregnancy center ministry – and for every Christian – sharing the gospel and upholding the sacredness of life go hand in hand. We have all been created for Jesus.