He Continues…
My colleague Vickie works with clients who are struggling with a past abortion. She recently received a call from a woman that she had met with years ago.
The woman starting by telling Vickie again what the Lord did for her during their time together. She shared again how much she learned from the Surrendering the Secret Bible study, and how helpful it was to have someone like Vickie to talk to about her struggles. She went on to the main reason for her call, which was to update Vickie on what the Lord is doing in her life now. She described how, “He continues to love and pursue me… to guide me and strengthen me.” Vickie said it was exciting to speak with her.
We realize the Lord not only saved this woman’s soul, He also put an end to the ongoing trauma of a horrendous experience in her life. For us to hear her acknowledge that God’s work in her life continues to this day– we rejoice at that, and are so encouraged to know of her walk with the Lord.
The Contemporary English Version of Psalm 18:19 says, “When I was fenced in, you freed and rescued me because you love me.”
Friends, God’s hope and healing are available to each one of us – whether we are struggling with a difficult experience or a past abortion decision. If you’d like someone to talk to regarding an abortion in your past, call Vickie at 717-304-7994 or schedule an appointment with her online at AlignPregnancyServices.com
God alone can help us out of the muck and the mire… He can set our feet in a spacious place AND continue to be our ever-present help for life. We have all been created for Christ.