Align With God for Life
A key reason for celebrating Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is to align our thinking with God’s heart for human life. As we do that, we start to see glorious truths about human life that might escape our notice otherwise.
In God’s divine providence, the sacredness of a single human life is not a lone phenomenon. It is something that profoundly impacts other human beings around them as well as myriads of future human beings in the generations to come—human beings already loved and chosen by God and who are part of His overarching story but who have yet to be physically born.
Genesis 1:27 and 28 says, “So God created man in his own image… male and female he created them…And he said to them, ‘Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth.’”
Essentially, God said, “Men, marry women. Women, marry men. Have babies. Have families. Fill the earth!” From these words we know: God has a passion for people to be BORN.
In Mark 16:15, Jesus goes on to say, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” From these words we can sense that God has a passion for people to be REBORN. He wants heaven to be filled with generations and generations of people!
This year, let’s align our thinking with God’s thinking about human life and then put our beliefs into action as He leads. In doing so, we will help babies to be born physically, we’ll help young moms and dads to be reborn spiritually, and we’ll impact generations of people for the gospel and life!