PA Abortion Statistics Review
Today’s episode is a review of the 2023 abortion statistics recently released by the PA Department of Health. As Christian Pennsylvanians, it’s important for us to be mindful of abortion data for our state so that we can make good, God-honoring decisions.
In 2023, there were 35,412 abortions performed in PA. That’s an increase of 1.6% vs the year before, and averages, sadly, to 97 babies aborted each day. Locally, the number of Lancaster County residents who had abortions jumped a shocking 31%. from 680 to 888. 195 residents of Lebanon County also chose abortion that year, an increase of 12%.
Use of the abortion pill accounts for 56% of all abortions in our state. The abortion pill targets preborn children 10 weeks old and younger, and it took the lives of nearly 20,000 preborn Pennsylvania babies in 2023.
We mourn for the lives lost and harmed by abortion. We grieve the unfathomable negative impact abortion has on families, churches, and communities throughout our state. Yet friends, our hope in God is strong and we feel Him working powerfully through us and others to reach people for life!
Last year, God used our services to help at least 99 abortion-minded and abortion-vulnerable moms choose LIFE for their babies, and 21 of our clients prayed a prayer of salvation. Currently, we have 46 faithful client advocates equipping over a thousand young mothers and fathers across our region with parenting education and priceless gospel knowledge week after week. What’s more, roughly 30% of those clients are young dads stepping up to lead their families in life-giving ways. The future is bright, friends, because God is making all things new. Onward we go for the gospel and life!