Aligning with Psalm 71:6
My friend’s daughter recently had a baby. She really struggled—she was in labor for two straight days. But her baby girl Clara arrived safely at last. And from the pictures I’ve seen – Clara is beautiful. She’s so tiny – very precious. Holy.
Then, I was reading in Psalm 71 and verse 6 caught my attention as I thought about my friend and her baby Clara. It says “From birth I have relied on you; You brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you.”
From birth, baby Clara has relied on the Lord.
The Lord Himself was the One who brought Clara forth from her mother’s womb.
I pray that in time, baby Clara will align her life with what this verse proclaims – that she will choose to ever praise Him.
These truths – revealed to us through the Bible – apply to every human being ever born, including you and me. Just like Clara – you and I ultimately rely on God for everything since our day one. God is the One who brought us forth. We can choose to praise Him–He has given us free wills. And our souls are everlasting – giving us the ability and the space to praise Him forever.
Consider these truths about us (and all of humanity) today. It’s God’s will and His heart for us to align our believing with what the Word of God says. We have all been Created for Him.