An Easter Story of Life

An Easter Story of Life


This Easter weekend we are bringing you a story of God’s love at work in a young Christian mother’s heart, helping her turn away from abortion and toward life.

Anya panicked when she found out she was pregnant. She knew abortion was wrong, but her situation seemed like one that could not accommodate a baby at all. She even thought it might be “better” to abort the baby. But every time she ‘landed” on abortion as her decision, she couldn’t get herself to stay there.

She agreed to our offer of a free ultrasound. The weather was horrible the day of her scan and we thought she might not show up, but she did. She was quiet during the appointment and didn’t say much afterwards, either. She left still undecided. We prayed. We followed up with her weekly, but her responses were always the same:” I’m still struggling with this decision.” Then, things fell silent. She stopped responding, and our hearts sank.

A few weeks later, we felt led to reach out to her one more time. This time she texted back. “I’m still pregnant!” she said. “I decided to keep this baby! I finally realized that I felt love for her the minute I saw her on the screen!” Anya chose life.

2 Timothy 1:10 says that Jesus “broke the power of death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the Good News.” That’s what we saw happen with Anya. It was Jesus who illuminated her way to experiencing His love and choosing life for her baby.

This is what we celebrate as believers at Easter. Jesus has abolished death and He lights our way to LIFE everlasting through His life, death, and resurrection! Happy Easter to you, friends, from all of us at Align Life Ministries.