God Leads Young Moms to Truth
When a young woman comes to us for help – it might be the first time we’re seeing her. But she has always been known by God. He’s the One who leads her to us. He wants her to encounter His truth for her life. Such was the case with Carrie.
Carrie is pregnant, and has an appointment scheduled to get the abortion pill. She came to us to find out more information about those pills. We provided her with truth about them and talked with her about her other options – parenting and adoption. We also offered Carrie an ultrasound before she goes to her abortion pill appointment, and she accepted.
Carrie told us she’s a Christian, but as she talked about her beliefs and practices, we sensed her faith was more Buddhist than Christian. We asked if we could tell her about Jesus—the true Jesus—who He is and what He’s done for her and for her baby. Carrie agreed, and we had a wonderful conversation with her about John 3:16 and Psalm 139. She said yes to Jesus and yes to receiving a Bible. She said yes to a list of churches we gave her for additional spiritual care and Christian community. Carrie said “I’ve been wanting to check out local churches. I don’t know why I didn’t!”
At the moment, Carrie is still undecided about her pregnancy. We’re thankful for our time with her so far and for the ultrasound appointment still to come. Please join us in praying for Carrie and her baby! Proverbs 14:25 says, “A truthful witness saves lives…” We are asking God to use the truth that Carrie encounters through us and through your prayers to spare her from abortion’s harm and to save her baby’s life.