Baby Bottle Boomerang

Baby Bottle Boomerang

By Matt Kocher


Baby Bottle Boomerang (BBB) is for:

  • Churches, businesses, and groups of any age or size to have hands-on involvement in a worthwhile project that helps babies, moms, and dads.

  • Parents, grandparents, Sunday school teachers, or youth group advisors to instill the sacredness of human life into the lives of children in a tangible way.


How to Participate:

Contact SVPS and let us know when you would like to initiate BBB. Churches often begin in January with Sanctity of Human Life Sunday; other groups choose Mother’s and Father’s Day, a back-to-school campaign, or a Thanksgiving campaign.


How it Works:

  1. We provide the bottles to you.
  2. You distribute them to the people in your church or group.
  3. Several weeks later, they return the bottles on an announced date. (You determine the date the bottles are due to be returned.)
  4. You return the bottles to SVPS (that’s the boomerang!) where we process them.

