Created for Him July 7, 2018 – Orange Sneakers

Created for Him July 7, 2018 – Orange Sneakers


Has the Lord ever given you a desire of your heart?

A few years ago, a hummingbird built its nest just beyond our deck. I could easily watch its comings and goings, and marveled at how tiny the two baby hummingbirds were. Within weeks they’d grown to nearly full size, and as I watched one day, I whispered to the Lord, “I’d love to see one take its first flight.”

A few days later, I saw the larger baby bird lift right off the nest like a helicopter. He flew 2 feet up and then straight back down into the nest. It was amazing to witness him learning to fly! Later that day, he zoomed out of the nest, up onto a branch 10 feet away – and then he flew out of sight.

God heard my prayer, and gave me that small desire of my heart.

God grants our clients the desires of their hearts in all kinds of ways – great and small.

Recently, a young dad was shopping with his girlfriend in one of our Baby Boutiques. They were enrolled in our parenting classes and had earned vouchers to purchase baby supplies. The young dad said, “Oh man, I hope they have Adidas sneakers for our little boy. And I hope they’re orange!”

To which the young mom said, “Well, we should probably get things that are much more practical than that.”

But sure enough, as they walked through our boutique, a brand new pair of bright orange Adidas sneakers were perched on the shelf. The young dad grabbed them, and found other orange items as well. He was so excited.

We’ve had spiritual conversations with this man, and he said he believes in God but doesn’t have a personal relationship with Him. But the orange Adidas got his attention. He said, “I can tell God is trying to get through to me.”

God IS trying to get through to him, and we pray it won’t be long until he understands the gospel and places his trust in Jesus as his very personal Savior and Lord.

Time and again we see God go to great lengths to prove Himself to our clients. Pray with us that many of them will accept the life-saving, life-changing relationship He’s holding out to them through Jesus.