Fill A Bottle for Life!
If you’re looking for a fun, easy, effective way to champion the gospel and the sacredness of life – consider doing the Baby Bottle Boomerang!
Baby Bottle Boomerang is the name of a fundraising campaign we offer all year long. It can be done individually or as a group.
The idea is to receive a bottle from us (pictured above), fill it with cash or check, then boomerang it back to Align. We have contactless pick-up and drop-off options in place.
If you’d rather participate virtually, fill a bottle for life online! Visit our Virtual Baby Bottle Boomerang Giving Page. Choose an amount / how many bottles to fill ($25 for one bottle, $50 for two bottles, etc.). Complete the form and submit.
Each Baby Bottle Boomerang gift helps clients and their families find Christ-centered support in times of need.
One young mom going through a tough time found us through a friend. She had temporarily lost her medical insurance and was unable to have an ultrasound through her doctor, so she appreciated her ultrasound opportunity with us. When she saw her active 12-week-old little one she said, “I can’t believe how much he’s moving! It boggles my mind!” She left the appointment very excited about her baby and eager to dive in to our parenting classes.
A bottle is so much more than a bottle when it helps people encounter Jesus and His truth about life.
For more information, click here or contact Heather Muncy, Events Director, at