God at Work, at Work, at Work

God at Work, at Work, at Work

A young pregnant woman and her boyfriend stopped by our pregnancy center. They wanted to learn more about the services we offer. The boyfriend was a bit reluctant to come in.  He had been opposed to God and anything Church related, and wasn’t keen on visiting a Christian ministry for help.

However, during that meeting our Align staff member listened as the couple shared their story. She told them about our free services, and before they left, she asked for permission to pray for them. They said yes, and so she prayed.

She also gave them a little gift bag. In the gift bag was a document about Jesus, written as though it was a letter to them. The young mom read it out loud, and her boyfriend was moved to tears as he listened.

We later found out that the mother of the girl who came to see us has been praying earnestly over this daughter’s life for YEARS. She said that ever since her daughter and her boyfriend came to visit us, the boyfriend  – the one who was opposed to all things God-related – has been wanting to find a church to attend so that, in his words, ”their little boy can grow up in Church.” She said “I don’t know how their story will end yet, but I KNOW God is working, and this is a HUGE praise to share!”

Wow –God is at work in so many different ways in this family. We praise God for His faithfulness in hearing that mother’s fervent prayers for her daughter. AND – we thank Him for the opportunity to pray with that young couple – who might not otherwise have been receptive to prayer, or to Jesus in general. It’s a privilege for us as a pregnancy center ministry to help people see God more clearly and to experience His love for them.