God is the Grower
While many of our clients are women, we also serve a large number of male clients. We have several male client advocates who volunteer so faithfully in meeting with these young dads week after week… guiding them through their parenting lessons, talking with them about Jesus, and planting seeds of truth in their lives.
One dad recently told us he attended prenatal classes with us 5 years ago with his girlfriend – when we were still known as SVPS. He said, “Back then, I really did not know or realize or pay attention to the spiritual conversations that you were having with me. I underestimated how helpful your classes would be. Since then, I have become a strong Christian with a lot of faith.”
This client is now back with us, meeting with one of our male clients to work through some tough parenting issues with his child. He’s trusting Jesus to be his guide, and he’s really grateful for his relationship with his advocate, who encourages and prays with him weekly.
Seeds that were planted through his time with us years ago have come to fruition in this young man’s life. And we give all praise and glory to God for it. 1 Corinthians 3:7 says, “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, BUT ONLY GOD, who makes things grow.”
It’s God’s “growing power” that develops the seeds that we as His workers have planted. And honestly – what a relief that is! It takes a burden off of us that we were not meant to carry. What we must do is go to whomever the Spirit leads us, and plant seeds as we go. Then GOD does the growing.
We have all been created for Him.