Strategic Partnerships Advance the Gospel & Life

Strategic Partnerships Advance the Gospel & Life


In 2021, 725 women from Lancaster County and 162 women from Lebanon County had abortions.

Debbie Davenport, Align’s Vice President of Strategic Partnerships & Prayer, has been meeting with a team of local medical professionals and elected officials to discern strategies for thwarting Planned Parenthood’s abortion efforts in downtown Lancaster, and to educate and direct vulnerable women to local pregnancy resource centers.

Matt Kocher, Align’s Vice President of Resources & Communications, represented Align on a panel of experts discussing abortion in Pennsylvania since the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade and what the pro-life community can do to stand for life in our community and state.  Matt shared how pregnancy centers like Align extend the heart of the Father to our clients through compassion, hope, and love, and why the gospel is preeminent in the “pro-life vs. pro-choice” conversation.



In 2021, 33,206 women had abortions in Pennsylvania, with 13,265 of those abortions taking place in Philadelphia.

Debbie Davenport, Align’s Vice President of Strategic Partnerships & Prayer, serves as director of the Pennsylvania Life Exchange, a statewide coalition serving pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). She and her team provide relational, spiritual, educational, and strategic support to directors throughout the state.

Debbie also consults with several executive directors in Philadelphia and beyond, providing coaching expertise as well as daylong spiritual and professional retreats for their staff.

Additionally, Align provides prayer and financial gifts of support to select partner PRCs throughout the state.



In 2021, an estimated 62,000,000 women had abortions throughout the world.

Lisa Hosler, Align’s President, serves on the board of LIFE International, a seasoned ministry in Grand Rapids that has educated 15,000 pastors/leaders on the sacredness of human life, equipping them to raise up gospel-sharing, life-affirming ministries.

LIFE International will be hosting a Global Congress for Life this fall with delegates from the 198 nations of the world gathering together to repent for the sin of abortion, share God’s life-affirming initiatives, and discern God’s vision for an ongoing global life movement.

Last year, Lisa participated in an Advanced Prayer Initiative as Prayer Coordinator for the North American Hub (10 hubs have been formed to represent each region of the world). She’ll serve in this role throughout the year, leading monthly prayer meetings for the global gathering.

Additionally, Lisa is serving on an overarching Discernment Team to seek the Lord for His wisdom and strategies to rally and activate leaders with the Father’s heart for life at the Global Congress for Life and the global life movement into the future.

Align is honored to provide prayer and financial support toward this world-impacting movement for life.