Larger Building for Align Pregnancy Services in Ephrata
We are thrilled to announce God’s provision of a larger facility for our Ephrata location, enabling us to provide onsite ultrasounds there for the first time ever!
That means we’ll soon have ultrasound services at all four of our Align Pregnancy Services locations – Columbia, Ephrata, Lancaster, and Lebanon.
God uses ultrasound to help young moms shift their perspective from “just being pregnant” to being pregnant with a baby. One client said recently, “Now that I’ve seen the beating heart, I can’t have an abortion. It’s an actual baby!”
The new building, located at 115 E. Main Street, Ephrata, is prominently situated in the main thoroughfare of downtown Ephrata – making it readily visible and available to clients.
Formerly a doctor’s office, its room sizes and configuration are conducive to our services. It also has ample onsite private parking and is easily accessible for young parents with strollers.
We’re estimating renovation costs of $100,000. Please consider helping us as we prepare to welcome many young parents to receive the love of Jesus, the truth about life, and practical services to parent their children. Click here to make your gift today.
And join us in praising God for His love for the young families we’re serving and His provision of a building that will enable us to more fully meet their needs. Thank you for your participation!