Light and Life to All He Brings
The young mom arrived with her boyfriend and their two small children. She was pregnant, and life had been really hard for them lately. They lost nearly everything they owned in a fire, lived in their car for a time, and at the moment, they were living with a friend.
The young mom said, “I don’t believe in abortion, but I don’t see how we can bring another child into our situation when we don’t even have a stable place to live!” She also said, that father of the baby told her it was her decision to make about the pregnancy, since it was her body. She was just so upset. Our hearts went out to her. We gently reminded her that Jesus is with us, that circumstances do change, and life could look very different next year. Housing might no longer be an issue.
The father of the baby, who had been in the waiting room with the children, came back to join the mom. When we talked through their options of parenting, adoption, and abortion – he spoke up. He clearly stated that he wanted to parent, not abort, this child. You should have seen the young mom’s face – it lit up with joy in an instant! It was as if she just needed to hear him say that she had his support. They agreed to come in for an ultrasound and signed up for our parenting classes.
There’s a line in the Christmas hymn “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” which says “Light and life to all He brings…”. Jesus is bringing life and light to this young family. God sent Him to bring light and life to ALL of us in this dark and dying world. Praise God for the birth of Jesus! We have all been created for Christ.