One Couple, Two Salvations

One Couple, Two Salvations


Bella was pregnant and addicted to drugs. Her pregnancy test with us was positive, and she said, “Now that I’m pregnant, I’ve GOT TO get off these drugs.” That was the last we saw of her… until recently.

She walked in our front door and her husband followed behind, carrying their newborn baby. We were really glad to see them, but Bella looked troubled. She told us about her failed attempts to get clean. Our director gently asked, “Are you tired of going around in circles?”  Bella nodded. Our director said, “Jesus loves you and wants to help.”

After a long conversation, Bella gave her life to Jesus! She told her husband what happened. A few weeks later, Bella and her husband burst through our front door with news they could not wait to share. “We threw away our drugs!” “For the first time ever!” “We’ve never felt better!” Then the husband said, “I went to church as a kid. But sadly, I walked away…” Our director told him the story of sheep who wandered away from the fold, and of the incredible shepherd who left the 99 to go after the one who was lost. That night, the dad also recommitted his life to Jesus!

Mattew 18:12 says, “If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost?” Christmas is about Jesus, the Son of God, who came to earth through the womb of a woman, was born as a baby, grew into a man, lived a perfect life, and died on a cross in our place—to bring us who wandered away from God, back into bright, life-giving fellowship with Him. Merry Christmas from your friends at Align Life Ministries!