Powerful Enough
Margaret heard one of our staff members speak at her church. The staff member read a letter written by a mother to her aborted child. Margaret sat in her seat and cried over the abortion that she herself had 21 years before. It was the first time she had ever cried for her child.
Roxanne had been coming to us for parenting classes every other week for nearly 2 years. She was working her way through the entire curriculum in an effort to learn as much as she could to benefit her little boy and herself. One evening she shared with her client advocate that she had an abortion nearly 10 years ago. “I know the Lord has been leading me step by step,” she said. “I finally have the courage to share my secret with you.”
It is not uncommon for women (and men) to keep their abortion a secret for decades, or even a lifetime. The lies of the enemy can be that paralyzing – trapping them into believing they are not worthy of love; that what’s been done can never be forgiven; that the anger they feel can never be properly vented. Is there anything strong enough to break through and help them?
The answer is YES: There is Jesus. The brilliance of His truth. The power of His love – THAT is what rescues people from such awful, unnecessary prisons. We offer post-abortion services through one-on-one support and Bible studies that are centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ: 1 John 4:10 says, “This is real love—not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.” Our focus rests on Jesus, not on ourselves and our sin. In Jesus we find freedom, healing, and redeemed life.
If you or someone you know is struggling with a past-abortion decision, please visit our post abortion services tab at svpspa.com. You can make a confidential appointment online to talk with someone and begin your healing journey. We have all been created for Him.