Progressions for Life

Progressions for Life


Rachel and her husband Trey had a newborn baby. They were struggling financially, so when they heard from a friend that could get a few weeks’ worth of free diapers through our Babycare Essentials program, they were relieved.

Each time they stopped in to pick up the diapers, wipes, and formula, they noticed how at home they felt in our center. There was a peace about the place that they could not explain. When they reached the end of the Essential program, Rachel decided to enroll in our parenting education classes. After she finished, Trey decided to take our Fatherhood course.

They were living on Trey’s income alone since the baby arrived, and had fallen behind on their rent. We prayed with them about that, and God brought a local church to our minds. Through that church, God paid off their rent balance and helped them move into a bigger apartment. The young couple was beyond grateful. “We’re not religious,” Trey said, “But we’re going to check out this church!”

Our theme this year is In the beginning, God from Genesis 1:1. In the beginning, God knew Rachel, Trey, and their baby. He knew the needs they would have, and He mobilized His body—including Align and the local church—to care for them physically and spiritually.

In the beginning, God knew about you, too. He created you, He loves you, and is able to mobilize His body of believers to care for your physical and spiritual needs. Embrace His heart for your life today!