Sanctity of Human Life Sunday – Love Speaks Message
Love speaks.
God is love. He loves us. He speaks His love to us all the time.
His love is not silent. It speaks.
His love is not passive. It’s active.
And – notice that He speaks that love to us through His Living Word, Jesus Christ, and His
written word, the Bible.
These Words of God – – they speak truth. They proclaim the good news of Jesus.
This phrase – “Love Speaks” – it crystallizes what we’ve been experiencing at Align in recent years. We have a strong desire for our clients to know Jesus because He’s worthy of us knowing Him, He’s the most awesome, life-giving person to know, and because we want people to have the everlasting life that comes through knowing and trusting Jesus as Savior.
This desire to more intentionally share the gospel, to share Jesus – started out as a detectable pulse in the air of the ministry, and over time, it has become more central…much stronger.
As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:14 – “For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, …” Jesus’s love for us compels us to share Him with others – through our actions, yes, and – very importantly – through our words. So much so, that God recently strengthened our mission statement by changing the word “champion the gospel” to “proclaim the gospel.” We are to proclaim His gospel using our words.
And so with increased passion and intentionality, we are speaking gospel truths to help clients place their trust in Jesus and grow in Him.
Would you please join us in speaking about Jesus to people?
God’s words are truth. His words bring peace.
His words bring life.