God’s Love Speaks to You (Sexual Integrity)
When it comes to sex and sexuality, Christians and non-Christians alike are bombarded with messages from culture like “anything goes” and “it’s no big deal”.
Surveys from Barna, One Hope Global Youth Culture, and Covenant Eyes indicate that Christian teens are more sexually active than unbelieving teens; that 47% of US Christian teens fully support sex reassignment surgery for trans people, and that 57% of pastors say pornography addiction is the most damaging issue in their congregation.
God’s love speaks to us about these issues. His Word teaches us that sexuality is a gift… to be valued, respected, and governed by choices that honor Him, others, and ourselves.
Perhaps you or someone in your family is currently being impacted by sex outside of marriage. Or by pornography. Do you think God is furious with you? Is He giving you the silent treatment? Well, friend – here’s what we at Align believe the love of God would speak to you:
Past choices do not define someone and are not the end of the story. God forgives us and wants us to forgive ourselves and each other. He brings healing and hope for change. His Word holds strategies to help us line up with His design, and He’s created us with the physiological ability to rewire our brains that helps us think and act in ways that are best for us and that honor Him.
1 John 1:7 says, “…if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
Let God’s love speak to you – through His Living Word, Jesus, and His written word, the Bible. His words are truth. His words bring peace. His words bring life. We have all been Created for Him.