That Wiggle
A study done by CareNet a few years ago revealed that four out of ten women who have abortions were attending church at least once a month around the time of their abortion. This comes to mind as I tell you about our client Alexis.
Alexis was partway through college and attending church when she found out she was pregnant. She could not fathom telling her parents, and she didn’t want to drop out of school and, in her words, “ruin her life”.
However, Alexis consented to an ultrasound. She watched intently as her baby’s image appeared on the monitor. The baby’s beating heart was clearly visible, but otherwise the baby was still. Our nurse manager prayed silently, “Please, God. Cause this baby to move.” Just then, the baby made an obvious wiggle! Alexis and our sonographer both gasped at the same time! They looked at each other – wondering if the other person saw it too – and they realized in an instant that they both had seen it. They didn’t even speak. They didn’t need to. It was a holy moment.
We pray that moment remains with Alexis. She left us undecided that day about what to do, but she did say that seeing the baby on the screen made her realize: it’s not just a simple “let’s get an abortion” situation. Alexis knows Jesus and knows He promises to be with her and provide for her. We pray that she reads His word and thinks about Him and His gospel. The gospel has the power to help her choose life…renewed spiritual life for herself, and physical life for her little one. We have all been created for Christ.