THE Father Teaching Fathers
Most people know we serve pregnant women – but not as many people realize we serve young dads, too.
Sonya and her husband had been taking parenting education classes with us for several months. The other day, Sonya stopped by to shop in our Baby Boutique, using the CARE Cash they earned. As she looked through the baby pajamas, she said, “My husband already has two other children. But ever since he started taking the fatherhood classes here – – I’m telling you – it has changed his life AND our marriage!”
That makes us smile. Partly because we’re so happy for her and for her family. But also, because we know it’s GOD who is changing that man’s heart through our classes. The lessons He makes available to young dads for free through us are simple and powerful, like Baby Care Basics for Dads, and Being a Great Role Model. And when a young dad grows in his understanding of parenting, he’s benefitting more than “just himself.” Like Sonya experienced – a man’s presence has a massive impact on his entire family.
Proverbs 4:11 is a reassuring verse for each young dad we serve, and maybe for you fathers who are listening today, too. God says, “I will teach you wisdom’s ways, and lead you in straight paths.” Join us in praying for the young dads we serve, that they grow in wisdom and follow God’s heart for their lives and for their families!