Tribute Gifts: Quarter Four 2024

Tribute Gifts: Quarter Four 2024

Thank you to everyone who gave “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” a loved one in the fourth quarter of 2024.

At the time the gift is given, we send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the one remembered as contact information is available. The gift amount remains confidential.


In Honor Of:

All Mothers & Babies that are saved by Align’s help over the years

Maj. & Mrs. Robert Glisson


Kim Joel Harr

Mr. Benjamin Harr


Ken & Ella Mae Mellinger

Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Martin


Fannie Shelly

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Heisey


In Memory Of:


Mr. Kyle Kochel


Baby Boy

Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Spitler


Birth Mother Patricia

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Scholl


Duane Gingrich

Mrs. Michelle Gingrich



Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ludwig


Georgine Grube

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Grube


Diane W. Horlacher

Mr. Robert Horlacher


Emmett Kilheffer

Mr. & Mrs. Chad Kilheffer


Robert Landis

Mr. Shawn Landis


Elaine Martin

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stoner III


Elizabeth Robyn

Mr. Robert Robyn


Anthony Sacco

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hoover


Grandchild Stabley

Mr. & Mrs. Neil Stabley


Grandson Zaqueo

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rutt