Tribute Gifts: Quarter One 2024
Thank you to everyone who gave “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” a loved one in the first quarter of 2024.
At the time the gift is given, we send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the one remembered as contact information is available. The gift amount remains confidential.
In Honor Of:
The babies we never had
Mr. & Mrs. Travis Erb
Doreen Stickler
Ms. Angie Auker
In Memory Of:
Glenn, Gary, & Dennis
Ms. Jacqueline Swinehart
Carol Engle
Mr. & Mrs. John Sergovic
Diane W. Horlacher
Mr. Robert Horlacher
Robert Landis
Mr. Shawn Landis
Kati Swisher
Mr. & Mrs. Nestor Cintron