Tribute Gifts: Quarter Two 2024
Thank you to everyone who gave “In Honor Of” or “In Memory Of” a loved one in the second quarter of 2024.
At the time the gift is given, we send an acknowledgment to the honoree or family of the one remembered as contact information is available. The gift amount remains confidential.
In Honor Of:
Kati Dalton
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wolfe
Peg Schannauer
Ms. Ilene Bartlett
Mr. & Mrs. John Davelerer
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hachkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Trella
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tucker
In Memory Of:
Rachael Freed
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blair
Curtis Groff
Baron Insurance Group
Mrs. Mary Ann Blough
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Dougherty
E L A Group, Inc.
East Fairview Church of the Brethren
Mr. Wilmer Esbenshade
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Fahnestock
Mr. Brody Groff
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Groff
Mr. Lyle Hershey
Miss Catherine Hess
Mr. & Mrs. John Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Keating
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Kreider
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Maederer
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Martin
Master’s Advisors Inc.
Mrs. Dorcas Miller
Mr. & Mrs. J. Meredith Miller
Ms. Katie Jo Miller
Mrs. Lois Minnich
Ms. Katie Moore
Mr. & Mrs. John Myer
Ms. Hailey Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Rohrer
Mr. Donald Seibert
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Weaver
Wohlsen Construction Company
Diane W. Horlacher
Mr. Robert Horlacher
Harold Keller
Mr. & Mrs. David Keller
Amos King
Hoober, Inc.
Ms. Charlene Jones
Lapp Electrical Service Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. McCarrell
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Myers
Ruth Nissley
Mr. & Mrs. J. Melvin Nissley
Jaclyn Szabo
Mr. & Mrs. Laszlo Szabo