Walk in Truth
St Augustine once said, “Where I found truth, here found I my God, who is the truth itself.” Scripture clearly says that Jesus is truth (see John 14:6, for example). Jesus sees all things correctly…as they really are. So, to view something truthfully is to view it as Jesus views it.
Truth is an essential component of the healing process for abortion-wounded people. One of the sessions in our Post-Abortion “Surrendering the Secret” Bible Study is called “Walk in Truth.” Pat Layton, who’s the author of the study, describes the lesson as an “especially hard one”. She says “…we look at the reality of what we’ve done; the hard, cold reality of abortion… Without looking squarely at this reality, how will we ever line our hearts up with God’s heart over this matter?” She emphasizes that this lesson “helps us see that the world does and will lie to us but God never will; His word is true; He is faithful.”
Although it can be a hard lesson to get through, it’s a necessary one, and is often filled with tenderness, comfort, and healing. One of our clients, after working through this chapter, said: “I’m suddenly able to see myself as God sees me. I had been seeing myself as condemned. He sees me as forgiven – so I know this must be true – I am forgiven! My guilt seems to be melting away. Because of Jesus, I am perfect in God’s eyes. I just need to enjoy Him and what He has done for me.”
If you or someone you know is struggling with a past abortion decision, help is available. It’s completely confidential, and it’s free. Visit the post-abortion tab at AlignPregnancyServices.com, or call or text 717.304.7994. We have all been Created for Christ.