A Client You Might Not Have Pictured
If I asked you to picture a typical client of ours, what picture would come to mind?
Maybe you’d think of a girl in her teens who got pregnant by her high school boyfriend and is struggling to know what she should do next. Or, maybe you’d picture a career-minded woman in her mid-20’s, someone working her way up the corporate ladder who is struggling with a pregnancy she hadn’t counted on at this time in her life.
Well, in both those cases, you’d be right – we serve people who fit those descriptions. But did you know that we also serve men? We serve young dads and dads-to-be…including an example I would like to share with you today – we have a 30 year old male client who is getting married to a woman who has two small children. Now, he has never been a dad before, but he wants to learn how to parent these children well. So, he reached out to us and enrolled in our “Practical Fatherhood” course. Now, he’s meeting with one of our male client advocates every week and they talk about fatherhood “fundamentals”—like the importance of being a good role-model… of being available…of being someone the children can count on, and so on. His classes have been going really well. He told us that he’s seeing God at work through them, and that he’s going to meet with someone who can continue to mentor him spiritually once his classes with us are over.
You know, Psalm 25:9 says that God “leads the humble in doing right, teaching them His way.” We are so glad when God brings us young dads to help. We marvel at how He meets and teaches them thorough their appointments with us. Young dads are most welcome at Align Pregnancy Services. We have all been created for Christ.