A Post-Roe, Post-Abortion Plea
A few days after the Supreme Court announced it’s huge Roe vs Wade decision, a woman emailed us and said, “It’s been years since I had an abortion. The recent overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought up a lot of unresolved emotion for me. I’m glad it was overturned, but it made me realize how much pain and shame I still feel over my abortion.”
We quickly replied to connect with her. We believe Jesus wants to heal her through His Word and His Spirit. That He wants to give her space to feel the pain and grieve the loss… to pour to pour His love, forgiveness and freedom into her life.
There are thousands of other women like her in our region – women you probably encounter every day but have no idea that at some point over the past 49 years, they found themselves in a situation where they felt like they HAD to have an abortion. At the time, abortion was considered to be the law of our land, and that might have brought them some degree of solace. But now that abortion laws are going to vary from state to state, does that remove some of the solace they felt?
Our arms are open to women and men who need to process their past abortion. If that is you, or someone dear to you, please consider talking with us. You can make a free, confidential appointment at AlignPregnancyServices.com. Or, you are welcome to call or text us at 717-279-1525. That’s 717-279-1525. You don’t have to carry this burden alone. We have all been Created for Christ.