A Story of Aligning for Life
The Bible teaches us that when we align with Jesus, life abounds. Here’s a story of how this can happen.
Callie’s friend Jenna was pregnant, and Callie decided to give us a call. She told us about Jenna’s situation, and said, “Jenna already had a positive pregnancy test and an ultrasound, but all she seems to see is abortion as her answer. Would you please talk with her?” Yes indeed, we wanted to talk with Jenna, and Jenna was willing to meet with us. Callie came with her for moral support.
Throughout the appointment, Callie gently identified with Jenna in her reasons for wanting an abortion, because Callie had the same thoughts when she was pregnant with her daughter. We were able to offer encouragement and truthful perspectives about their situations to both young women.
As our conversation continued, Jenna said she could tell we cared about her and her future as well as her baby, but she wasn’t at a point where she could make up her mind about what to do. In our follow-up call, however, Jenna let us know she decided to carry her baby to term. She said, “It’s not going to be easy, but I know now that it’s the best thing to do for me and my baby.”
What did “aligning with God” look like in this situation? It was Callie loving her friend Jenna – not just in words but by seeking out Christ-centered help for her. It was Jenna listening carefully to the perspectives of others, and choosing to pursue what was true. And it was Jenna choosing life rather than abortion for her baby. When we align with God, life abounds. We have all been created for Him.