And He Began To Teach Them Many Things

And He Began To Teach Them Many Things

A young woman came in for a confirmation-of-pregnancy test and an ultrasound. Her mom was with her. They both were quiet as they looked at the positive test result. Then the young woman said, “I’ve had two abortions already, and I’m not sure if I can continue with this pregnancy.”

During her ultrasound, we were able to show them an 8-week-old baby who was wiggling a lot and had a very strong heartbeat. We asked the client if she would like to hear that heartbeat, and she gave us permission to turn on the sound. Both the daughter and her mom were amazed at what they saw. They sat together in silence again, this time, filled with wonder.

After the ultrasound, the client stated with certainty that she was going to parent this child. She looked at her mom and said, “This may be my last opportunity.” Baby saved. Mom and Grandmom spared from a third abortion experience. Praise Jesus!

Our sonographer felt compelled to ask the client how she was feeling after the ultrasound, since she had abortion in her past. She simply responded, “It’s hard.”  She signed up for our Earn While You Learn prenatal classes, and we told her a little about our post-abortion ministry. We are asking the Lord to teach her to be a great parent AND to heal her from her past abortion, too.

I think of Mark 6:34, which says, “When He (Jesus) went ashore He saw a great crowd, and He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. And He began to teach them many things.”  Jesus’s character with that crowd is consistent with His character toward us. Jesus has compassion on us. He longs to be our shepherd, and to teach us many things. May we be open to following Him and learning all He has for us – lessons we want and lessons we never knew we needed. We have all been created for Him.