Big Impacts from Small Things

Big Impacts from Small Things

A young mom recently told us the story of her daughter – a little girl who wanted to give $0.61 to our Walk Run for Life. But, she forgot to bring it the day of the Walk. Now granted, it was “only” 61 cents, but it meant a lot to this little girl. It was her full allowance for a week, and she really wanted to give it to the mommies and babies. The mom also told us how this same little girl and her sister – without prompting – pray every day that the mommies and babies who are out there will get the help that they need. These young girls might be small, but they shine the love and kindness of Jesus in a big way.

The Bible has many examples of small things making big impacts. Think of the little woven basket in Exodus 2 – which Moses’s mother used to hide him from those who wanted to drown him. Think of another boy from John 6:9. He had “5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish” that Jesus used to feed 5 thousand men. Think of what Jesus said in Matthew 17:20 – “…For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”

That’s why the 61 cents from this little girl, and the earnest prayers of her and her sister for the mommies and babies who need help, make our hearts melt. The Lord is surely capable of working big miracles for life (which we might get to see!) through their offerings. Isn’t God AMAZING! And we have all been Created for HIM.