Gospel-Centered Mission Statement

Gospel-Centered Mission Statement

We’ve added an important word to our Mission Statement to emphasize our commitment to the share the gospel with the people we’re serving – “proclaim.”  Here’s how God enlarged our hearts for the gospel and solidified it in our foundational documents.

We’ve always been committed to sharing Jesus with our clients, but in the same way that God can increase our personal passion, He can increase a ministry’s passion as well. That’s what He’s doing at Align Life Ministries.

Knowing our clients’ greatest need is a relationship with Jesus Christ, our theme for the year is: Reflecting Jesus & His Gospel.

With increased passion and intentionality, we are:

  • praying for clients’ hearts to be open to the gospel
  • planting gospel truths as we interact with clients
  • praying with clients during sessions
  • providing Bible studies
  • helping clients place their trust in Jesus and grow in Him
  • writing gospel supplements to accompany our parenting curricula

At our June 2021 board meeting, we added the word “proclaim” to our mission statement, just before the phrase “the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Proclaim is an active verb. It means, “to declare something one considers important, with due emphasis.” It’s also a biblical verb, often paired with sharing Jesus. In the Greek language, it means “to herald, to preach with conviction, bringing eternal accountability to all who hear it.” Jesus says in Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.”

Our new Mission statement is:

Align Life Ministries aligns with God to

proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ

and champion the sacredness of human life through

pregnancy services, strategic partnerships, and equipping resources.


Our previous Mission Statement was:

Align Life Ministries aligns with God to

champion the gospel of Jesus Christ

and the sacredness of human life though

pregnancy services, strategic partnerships, and equipping resources.


What’s in a word? A lot, when the word conveys our active participation in sharing the life-saving truth of Jesus Christ! Thank you for joining us in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ and championing the sacredness of human life.