He First Loved Us
The jingly bell on our center’s front door rang as a young client walked in, wondering if we could give her a pregnancy test. She told us she didn’t know what she would do if she was pregnant, and she had no idea what to expect from our services.
We emailed a prayer flare to our intercessors right away, and we prayed that the love of Jesus would be evident to her, and that His truth would shine through us.
The client’s test was positive, and our director sat down with her. The young woman seemed to calm down a bit as she talked through her fears and her situation. Our director asked her for permission to pray for her, and they prayed together. The young mom indicated several times during the prayer that she was leaning toward choosing life. She left us that day with a strong resolve to carry her baby to term.
1 John 4:19 says, “We love because he first loved us.” We’re so grateful that Jesus loves us first. His love for you… for me… it’s already present, regardless of our choices and circumstances. It’s already in place for our clients like the one I just told you about, as she walked through our door and we began to serve her, even so early in her pregnancy. We thank God for loving this young woman through our presence, our words, and our demeanor. We praise God that He spoke to her and encouraged her, and that she has made a choice for life.
Please pray with us that this client, and many others like her, will embrace this “first” love of Jesus and His gospel truth, that their babies would be born physically, and that they would be reborn spiritually. We have all been Created for Christ.