Impact Beyond Today
The other day I was reading a devotion that had to do with people’s mindsets toward their vocations. It asked the question: “What are you doing now that will outlive you?” I stopped and thought about that for a moment.
I work for a pregnancy resource center – more “behind the scenes”, you might say. I do a lot of writing and calling and talking with churches and supporters. Would those things outlive me in terms of being truly lasting and bringing glory to God? Yes – I think they will. Because my responsibilities at the ministry help make sure our doors can be open… open to serve young moms who are currently carrying members of the next generation in their wombs, and open to fortify young dads so they can learn to love and lead their children well.
You see, as we show our clients God’s truth about life, and as they embrace the truth of the gospel in their hearts, that can have an amazing, lifelong impact on their children. Their children will likely outlive us by decades. And their children’s children will outlive us even more. And so it goes, down through the ages, that in this way, our work at the pregnancy center outlives us and hopefully brings God glory for years to come.
Psalm 90:16 says, “May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendor to their children.” If you long to do something that will bless people and bring God glory even after your life here on earth is over, consider sharing what God has done for you with those who come behind you. Tell them how splendid He is. Strengthening young families today can have a life-giving impact for generations to come. We have all been created for Him.