Kati’s Life Reflected Kati’s God
“You were born to be reborn.” That statement is true of you and it’s true of every human being. “Born to be reborn” is also our theme this year at Align Life Ministries, and it’s been especially precious to us in recent weeks, as we said an earthly good-bye to our beloved friend and colleague, Kati Swisher. Kati’s spirit went to be with Jesus on May 17th after a lengthy battle with illness.
Kati came to know and trust Jesus with her life when she was in her early 20’s. From that point on, she pursued a close, loving walk with Jesus, and He transformed her life. She was a radiant believer. The winsomeness of Jesus… His peace…His wisdom… His logic… His steadiness – they were all evident in her, and profoundly impacted the people around her – including us and our clients at Align.
Kati wholeheartedly embraced the fact that she was born physically to be reborn spiritually.
A point I recently learned in church is that- as we look at a person’s life, we can see that person’s God. As we look at Kati’s life, we can see Kati’s God. The God of the Bible. She was created by God in His image, to be in a loving relationship with Him though Jesus. Her life was sacred for many reasons – a key one being that her life reflected her Lord, Jesus Christ.
The same is true for you and me. Our lives are sacred because they reflect Christ who made us, they reflect Christ in us, and they reflect Christ through us. We have all been created for Him.