Leftover CARE Cash Compassion
Hi friends! Before I tell you today’s story, let’s quickly review how we structure our parenting education program for clients.
The program is called “Earn While You Learn”. As clients learn valuable parenting skills through our classes, they also earn material rewards we call CARE cash. Both the mom AND the father of the baby are eligible, and together they can earn up to $25 in CARE cash per visit – which adds up to hundreds of dollars in CARE Cash per semester! They spend their CARE cash in our baby boutiques, which are filled from top to bottom with colorful, clean baby supplies. Sometimes, when clients come to the end of a course, they still have CARE cash to spend. Such was the case with Terrah.
Terrah finished all her classes with us several weeks ago, and had some CARE cash left over. She recently stopped in with her little boy and mentioned to our director that she saw a new family in town from a foreign country, of a different religion, who had a baby. She used the rest of her CARE cash to buy baby clothes for them, and set out to look for them. When she found them, she talked with them, and gave them her gift. Terrah came back later and gently asked if we would be willing provide that new family with some baby care essentials. We filled a bag of diapers, wipes and formula, and topped it off with baby clothes, a brochure about our services, and a small devotional booklet. Terrah faithfully delivered it.
Mark 6:34 says that Jesus “…saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.” We pray Jesus works through Terrah’s compassion and a simple bag of babycare supplies to begin teaching this family many things, and that they experience His love and align their lives with Him. We have all been Created for Christ.