PA Abortion Statistics Review
As Christians and as citizens, it’s important for us to be mindful of abortion data for our state. The Pennsylvania Department of Health publishes an annual “Abortion Statistics Report”, and they recently released the data for the year 2020.
In 2020, there were 32,123 abortions performed in PA. That’s an increase of 3.6%, or more than one thousand on hundred more babies than the year before. It averages to nearly 618 babies aborted each week; or 88 babies aborted per day in PA.
We see these increases locally, too. The number of abortions performed on Lancaster County residents increased 15% to 617, and for Lebanon County residents, it increased 24% to 160.
We lament these realities. Lord, have mercy on us. Help us to remember that standing in stark contrast to this heavy abortion data is the brilliantly shining, powerful gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our theme for 2022 is Born to Be Reborn. 1 John 3:1 says, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God.” God desires each person to be in a relationship with Him. He gives us the gift of physical birth, and from there we need to be born again spiritually through Jesus–-to know and enjoy the Father.
Friends, abortion is not an insurmountable problem. Nor is it an unforgiveable sin. Abortion is a spiritual issue, and THE remedy for it is the gospel of Jesus Christ, which tells of the amazing love of God for us and the personal relationship He desires to have with each one of us through believing in His Son. As we obey God’s word and align our hearts and minds with Him, LIFE is the outcome. We have all been created for Christ.