Post-Abortion Trend We’re Noticing…
This past spring, we advertised on social media and to local churches that we’d be starting a new Post-Abortion Bible Study in June. 16 women responded to those advertising efforts, including two women referred to us by local churches.
More and more, we’re noticing that post-abortive women are pushing back on the idea of “just get over it – you’ll be fine.” Instead, they’re saying, “I’m not fine. I need some serious help.” And they are taking responsibility to seek that help.
Several women who reached out to us had very recent abortions. They haven’t even arrived at what would have been their baby’s due date yet. Their grief is deep and intense. Sometimes it’s hard for them to even say the words as they share their story. But we sit with them in those silent moments, asking the Lord to help them through it.
Abortion brings pain, shame, and irreplaceable loss. But we in the body of Christ know His kindness. We’ve experienced His powerful grace and forgiveness. Romans 8:1 says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”
God has the local church and Align to help people whose hearts are still broken from abortion. If someone you know is struggling with a past abortion, consider referring them to us. They can text or call us at 717-279-1525, or visit our post-abortion support tab at Healing and hope are waiting through Christ, His Word, and confidential support.