Peace Beyond Understanding
By: Erin Brubaker, Post-Abortion Services Director
When we surrender our past to the One who removes our sin as far as the east is from the west, deep healing can take place.
One of the final steps in our post-abortion healing groups is honoring the lives of the children lost to abortion. The mothers choose names for their babies, bringing dignity to the personhood of their children. Recently, we held a memorial service for two precious babies. We lit candles, sang, prayed, and the mothers read letters they had written to their preborn children. Tears were shed and joy was embraced as they looked forward to being reunited with their children in heaven.
We then drove to a local cemetery and parked at the highest point. Both women released paper lanterns as we played worship music and stood in silence as they floated heavenward. It was sacred and beautiful. Both women experienced a level of healing they hadn’t known before and didn’t think was possible. They could finally release the anger they held toward themselves and others, and were able to truly grieve this immense loss and receive peace from the One who gives unexplainable peace (Philippians 4:6-7).
For these women, the scars of their abortions don’t disappear. But the pain is healing because they opened themselves up to the very hard work of allowing God to pull out the splinters of shame and cover them with His healing hands. Their testimonies are powerful! Revelation 12:11a tells us, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.” These women are allowing the Lord to heal their past, and they are sharing their stories to bring hope to others who have lost children to abortion. And in this way, they are multiplying the very hope, love, and joy that they themselves received.