Spiritual Gardening
We had a “1st Corinthians 3” kind of gardening story unfold at Align Pregnancy Services recently. What do I mean by that? Well, in 1 Corinthians 3 verse 6, Paul describes what I imagine to be a kind of “spiritual gardening”. He says, ““I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth.”
You see, there’s this particular young dad we’ve been meeting with for parenting classes. When he first started with us, he didn’t know much about Jesus and was not a believer. His male client advocate shared the gospel with him regularly. A few weeks later, the client told us his grandmother asked him to go to church with her. Then, he started a new job, and – wouldn’t you know it – his co-worker invited him to church!
The client said to his advocate, “Man, God is everywhere! First you guys, then my grandmother… now even my coworker is inviting me to church?!” Since then, this young dad decided to trust Jesus to be his Savior. He’s attending church, and we’re eager to see him be discipled and grow in his walk with God.
Whether we planted seeds of truth or watered them in this dad’s life, we don’t know. But what we DO know it that it’s GOD who is bringing about spiritual growth in him. It doesn’t happen because of any great or mighty things we do at Align. You and I and Align simply join Paul and Apollos in nurturing truth – both in ourselves and in the lives of the people we serve. Growth is given by God…it’s a gift from Him.
We have all been created for Christ.